Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nature and scope of accounting Essay

As an introduction to the course in accounting, it may be useful to define the following terms : – Accounts : These are the financial records in the organization. Every business transaction, or accounting entity, may be represented in an account by itself, e.g. wages, telephone expense, motor vehicle, Cash at bank, Investment – Book-keeping : This is the recording of the financial transactions of a business in a systematic manner, so that relevant financial data may be extracted when needed. – Accounting : This is a more comprehensive step than book-keeping. It involves the classifying, recording, compiling, reporting and interpreting the financial activities in the organization. This allows the users of the information to make informed judgement, planning and decision regarding the organization. – Accountancy : This is the procedure or the system that must be followed when recording, reporting, and interpreting the financial activities of the organization. It involves the set of principles or rules that must be observed in order to achieve an objective view of the accounting results. Accounting in the fullest sense, is therefore the interactive and integrated process of reviewing, forecasting, planning, recording, classifying, reporting , and interpreting the financial activities in the organization. This allows the custodians to make informed judgments and decisions pertaining to the performance and financial position of the organization. It also facilitate those who may have a vested interest in the business to assess their relationship and expectations from the operations. To this end accounting information should be – Relevant : to the users so as to influence their ability to make informed decision – Reliable : free from material error and bias, giving a truthful representation of the firm – Comparable: presented in a consistent manner so at to allow for reasonable comparisons – Understandable : uncomplicated, structured, and clearly presented. – Timely : provided when needed, or on time as required by law – Unqualified : not subjected to unnecessary modifications or restrictions USES OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION The accounting system in the organization generates a wealth of financial data that may be utilized by several interest groups. These include : – Management : Those who are entrusted with the day to day operations of the business must not only make informed decisions, but also set operating standards and then review the results. In order to do this, they must use the accounting system as their base. – Owners : The accounting system enables those who have an invested interest in the business to make an overview of the performance, as well to determine the results of their investment. – Investors : Others who have contributed to the business, either by way of financial assistance, supply of goods, or any other form of involvement, need to analyse the levels of profitability and risk involved in the business – Government : Assessment of the business operations by the government may be done for tax purposes, or to determine national income, or other statistical calculation. – Trade Union : Collective bargaining on the behalf of employees by the trade union can only be done beneficially if the union has a clear understanding of the financial position of the firm. DIVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING In order to satisfy the users of the accounting information, the accounting process may be sub-divided into broad categories : – Cost and Management Accounting : This aspect of accounting is concerned with the supply of information to the internal users, i,e, to the managers and the decision makers. It includes such activities as product costing, budgeting, systems operations, and accounting methods. This allow the users to formulate plans, set policies, make decisions, and control the operations in the organization. – Financial Accounting : This is the maintenance of the accounting records in a methodical manner and the preparation of summarized statements regarding the results of the business. This is of use primarily to parties external to the business, and gives an indication of the level of profitability and financial position of the business. – Special Reports : Some business operations may be financed or regulated by a parent organization. These operations must prepare and submit progressive reports to the regulatory body, indicating any factor that may have impacted on the results of its operations. These regulatory bodies included development banks, cooperative societies, venture capital assistance organizations, industry related organizations, and government agencies – Annual Return : Most firms must submit various types of tax or other statutory returns. These include NIS, NHT, HEART Fund, Income tax, Sales Tax ( GCT), Property Tax. Compliance to these is mandatory, although it is usually a complex procedure. Some organizations may engage the services of an attorney who specializes in business law or taxation. USES OF ACCOUNTING DATA Management Cost & Management Accounting Regulatory Bodies Statutory Agencies The Special Reports Accounting Annual Returns Process Financial Accounting (Certified By Public Accounting Auditor) Govt Trade Union Shareholders Investors Creditors General Public There are several areas of difference between financial and management accounting. Among these are: AREASFINANCIALMANAGEMENT Main UsersExternal parties, e.g. investors Creditors, trade union, gov’tInternal parties, e.g. managers, owners Time OrientationReview of the pastForecast of the future AccessAvailable to any partyAvailable to insiders only Restrictions Presentation FormatsStandard financial StatementsWhatever format most suitable View of the Organization Condensed view of the organization as a Detailed view of segments or activities whole RegulatoryRegulated by ruling of bodiesNo significant regulatory Restrictionssuch as IFRS, ICAJ, as well asRestrictions the Companies Act PurposeInformation disclosureDecision making and control CONCEPTS OF ACCOUNTING Certain fundamental concepts provide a rule or framework for the recording and reporting of business transactions. These may also be termed as principles, assumptions, or standards. Among them are : The Accounting or Business Entity Concept: Each business enterprise should be regarded as a separate and distinct unit from the other economic or personal affairs of the owners. Thus the information compiled by the business unit should only relate to the activities of that enterprise. The Historical Cost Concept: Resources should be maintained in their accounts at their original cost, not at the periodically revised or market value. Adjustments to the cost, e.g. depreciation, should therefore be shown in a separate account. The accumulative effect of these accounts may be determined when the balance sheet is being prepared. The Going Concern Concept: It is assumed that the business unit will continue for a lasting period during which time it will be able to fulfil its objectives. Thus, interim liquidated values are not shown when preparing the balance sheet. This assumption would not apply if the firm’s continued existence can not be established by fact, e.g. If faced with a legal injunction, anticipating liquidation, on the expiration of a contract, or in the event of a buyout or takeover. The Money Measurement Concept: Accounting transactions and the summary of their results can only be measured in monetary units. Thus, those activities or situations that are not measurable in a monetary sense would not be reflected in the accounts. These include the firm’s industrial relations, management styles, or industry position. The net value of these situations, however, may be classified as goodwill when the firm is being re- valued, or being sold as a going concern. The Accrual Concept: Revenue and expenses must be accounted for during the period when they occurred, and not necessarily when they were honoured. Thus, income is calculated from revenue and expenses incurred, not from those actually paid for. The Dual Aspects Concept: There are two aspects to every accounting transaction, one shows the gains realised and the other represents the claims that may be made against these gains. From this concept comes the double entry principle, i.e. for every debit (Dr) entry there must be a corresponding credit (Cr) entry. The Realisation Concept : Income is regarded as being earned at the point when the legal property, or the claim, in goods has passed from the seller to the buyer. This may be different from the point when the order was received, the delivery was made, or payment completed. This, however, is determined by the terms of contract. The Materiality Concept: On-going accounts are only maintained for those items or activities that by themselves will make a significant impact on the business. These are called assets or liabilities. Immaterial or complementary items or activities are written off as expense or revenue at the end of each accounting period. The Prudence Concept: Accounting systems should allow for the reporting of the minimum value of income. Thus, total expenses include non-cash items such as depreciation, bad debts, and other provisions. The Substance Over Form Concept: The benefits from, or material substance of a resource should take precedence over the legal form of ownership. Thus, the firm may be in possession of an asset that is being used in the business but which has not yet being paid for. For example, an equipment may have been bought on hire purchase or acquired by way of a lease, and as such the asset does not legally belong to the firm until it is paid for. However, the material substance of the equipment must be shown in the books, and this takes precedence over the legal form in it. The Time Interval or Periodicity Concept: The firm should prepare a set of final accounts in order to take a reading of its performance and financial standing from time to time. This is required although the business is regarded as a going concern. This periodic reading of the business allows management to exercise informed assessment and control over the affairs of the business. The Full-Disclosure Concept: Although the financial statements are concerned with the last accounting period, it should also take into consideration any future events that may have an impact on the firm’s financial position. Thus a disclosure should be made for eventualities such as a pending lawsuit, on-going negotiations for sales, disposal, acquisition or take-over, or changes in the accounting methods being used. These disclosures are usually listed as explanatory footnotes. The Objectivity Concept: The accounting transactions recorded in the firm’s books should be supported by objective evidence or by a basis of origin in fact. This includes such documentation as sales invoices, payment vouchers, cash receipts etc. Thus there should be a basis by which the transactions can be verified. This is usually required whenever an audit is being done. The Consistency Concept: The methods that are used in the recoding and reporting of accounting transactions should be unchanged over the course of the business, unless it is governed by some new rule or mode of operations. Changes result in a distortion of profit, thus objective comparison or analysis would not be allowed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Peking Opera

Modern observers in the West may not understand why, but they can certainly recognize when males are used to portray female roles in the Chinese theater. A quote from Act 2 Scene 7 of David Henry Hwang's opera, â€Å"Madam Butterfly,† provides a useful example of how and why males are used to play female roles. There, a male singer who plays female roles in Beijing Opera deceives a French diplomat into thinking he actually is a woman. He explains that males take the female roles â€Å"because only a man knows how a woman is supposed to act† This explanation resonates on multiple levels with varying degrees of irony, suggesting that gender is as performative in life as it is in theater. To this end, this paper examines how men playing the tan role in the Beijing Opera define and enforce the idea of femininity by performing the female role to determine how men perform femininity on stage in the Beijing Opera. A summary of the research is provided in the conclusion. Review and Discussion Background and Overview. The importance of actors and acting has long been celebrated in China; in fact, the first document concerning â€Å"actors† can be found in the Records of the Great Historian, written by Sima Qian (145-90 BCE), who was appointed to the court of Emperor Wu (reigned 141-87 BCE) of the Western Han dynasty (cited in Thorpe 269). Likewise, the use of male actors to portray female characters also has a long history in China, although many contemporary researchers consider its origins to be primarily in the last century and a half. According to Tian (2000), â€Å"The art of male dan –specialists in female roles — is one of the most important issues in traditional Chinese theatre, especially in jingju (Beijing or Peking opera)† (78). Beijing opera, or literally â€Å"opera of the capital,† emerged in the mid-19th century in China by incorporating components of huidiao from Anhui, dandiao from Hubei, and kunqu, the traditional opera that had predominated the country since the 14th century; performed in Mandarin, the dialect of Beijing and of the traditional elite, the jingxi musical verse plays came to be performed throughout China, although most provinces and many major cities developed their own operatic variants using local dialects (Brandon 2). As Beijing opera spread out from its original roots in Beijing to become an actual national theatre in China, there were some issues that arose concerning tradition and innovation. For instance, in his book, Diasporas and Interculturalism in Asian Performing Arts: Translating Traditions, Um (2004) reports that, â€Å"The art as performed in Beijing was considered the ‘pure' form, referred to as ‘jingpai' ([Bei]jing style). But somewhat paradoxically, innovation was only regarded as truly successful if it was recognized in Beijing. For instance, liupai, the schools or styles of acting representative of the creative work of individual actors, could only be established through the validation of Beijing audiences and critics† (161). Before the mid-20th century, Beijing opera was considered to be actor-centered, both in terms of performance as well as the creative process; this mindset meant that all major creative work was either accomplished by or supervised by the actors but even this creative work had be approved by Beijing (Um 161). In fact, â€Å"An actor's original composition, scripting, staging and performance achieved the power of long-term influence and continuity only when Beijing conferred liupai status† (Um 161). According to Brandon (2006), Beijing operas are highly conventionalized in terms of movements, costumes and makeup; the respective attitudes of the individual characters in Beijing opera products are communicated through traditional postures, steps, and arm movements. In addition, both actors and actresses wear carefully applied face paint to indicate which characters they portray and various acrobatic movements are often employed to suggest violence (Brandon 2-3). Other devices are also used in Beijing opera to communicate what may not be readily discernible to uninitiated Western observers, but which are immediately recognized by Chinese audiences. For example, musical accompaniment for Beijing opera is provided by a small orchestra of stringed and wind instruments, wooden clappers, and a small drum; brief interludes of spoken narration allow singers to rest periodically during the characteristically lengthy performances; these devices also carry with them understood conventions that convey important points to be made (Brandon 3). As noted above, the Beijing opera has traditionally employed an all-male cast, including males portraying the female parts; however, during the late 20th century, Beijing opera expanded its scope to admit female actors as well (Brandon, 2006). The most popular male performer in the Beijing Opera was Mei Lanfang, who played mostly female roles; he introduced the art form to an international audience by touring in Japan, the United States, and the Soviet Union (Brandon 3). In her chapter, â€Å"Traditional theater in contemporary China,† Elizabeth Wichmann (1988) reports that, â€Å"Beijing opera has been the nationally dominant form of theater in China for at least one hundred years. However, it is only one among more than 360 indigenous, or traditional, forms of Chinese theater currently being staged† (184). The salient features of Beijing opera today can be traced to the Yuan dynasty, when the particular styles of costume and makeup were indicative of the nature of the character wearing them (Wichmann 184). According to this author, â€Å"At least in terms of refinement and elaboration, the Beijing opera (jingju) and other allied styles of Qing dynasty regional theater probably represent the high point of Chinese stage costume, and their styles of ‘painted face’ makeup are more numerous and complex than the stage makeups of any other culture or period† (Wichmann 2). Likewise, the distinctive Beijing opera walking styles of the dan (female roles) and sheng are clearly recognizable in other traditional forms, just as are the stylized hand and eye movements of the huadan (Wichmann 2). Although some localized forms of theater have not include certain role types (the jing being the role type most frequently excluded), the walk, posture, and gestures techniques used for every other role type traditionally included in each form and can be recognized by modern Chinese audiences without fail as belonging to that role type throughout the various forms of traditional Chinese theater (Brandon 3). Vocal stylizations, though, in many cases are significantly different from one theater form to the next, being reflective of a specific role type and of the specific form of theater (Brandon 3). In Beijing opera, actors portraying female roles typically use distinctly different vocal ranges and tonal qualities, including extremely high natural register production, midrange chest-supported nasal production, and a type of vocal production that is similar to the yodel, in which the performer must have a very wide vocal range (Wichmann 187). According to Wichmann (1988), â€Å"Through their combined imagery, the vocal and physical stylizations of each role type convey the primarily Confucian values and resulting behavior patterns traditionally deemed appropriate by society for each type of role thus portrayed† (187). Historic Influences on the Use of Male Actors for Female Roles in Beijing Opera. Fortunately for contemporary historians, there is a good account of how male actors came to portray female roles in the Beijing opera in the historical records. According to Guy (2001), Beijing opera is just one of more than 360 different regional forms of Chinese opera that differ primarily according to the regional dialect used in song and speech as well as in their musical materials. â€Å"In comparison with many of the world's other great musical theater traditions such as Japanese Noh, Italian opera, or Javanese wayang, Peking opera is a relatively new form. Its birth is popularly traced to 1790† (Guy 377). In reality, though, the origins of the male dan role can be traced back much further in Chinese history. For example, in her essay, â€Å"Male Dan: The Paradox of Sex, Acting, and Perception of Female Impersonation in Traditional Chinese Theatre,† Tian (2000) reports that, â€Å"The tradition of the male dan can be traced back to ancient music and dance. It probably dates back as early as the Han dynasty (206 B. C. -A. D. 219)† (78). A highly regarded scholar of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Jiao Xun (1763-1820), cites a source suggesting that in the Han dynasty, there were also male actors that impersonated jinu (female singers and dancers), a tradition that served as the basis for the convention of female impersonation later called zhuang dan (Tian 78). By the end of the Wei dynasty (220-264), Emperor Cao Fang, who reigned from 240-254 CE, was reported to have enjoyed watching his young male jesters portray nubile young women whose excessive wantonness was an embarrassment to onlookers (Tian 78). Likewise, Emperor Xuan Di, who ruled from 578-579 CE of the North Zhou dynasty (557-581), issued a decree that required handsome young men of the city to dress as women and to sing and dance inside the imperial court for the emperor and his entourage (Historical records of the Beijing theatre cited in Tian at 78). During the reign of Emperor Yang Dig (605-616) of the Sui dynasty (589-617), from January 1 to January 15, a period in Chinese history when foreign princes and visitors were taxed by the Emperor in the form of tribute, thousands of singers and dancers gathered and performed in the country’s capital; the majority of these performers were dressed as females, and wore flowers and jewelry (Wang 190 cited in Tian at 78). By the mid-7th century, during the Tang dynasty (618-906), the Chinese empress requested that women be prohibited from taking part in any theatrical performance, a proclamation that resulted in the conventional segregation of male players and female singers and dancers employed at the court (Tian 78). Emperor Xuan Zong, who ruled from 712-756, was responsible for the development of the Liyuan (â€Å"Pear Garden†) and Yichunyuan (â€Å"Pleasure House†); the Liyuan used male performers exclusively while the Yichunyan used female singers and dancers (Tian 78). According to Tian (2000), â€Å"It is highly possible that the performances by the Liyuan actors might have involved female impersonation. It is clear that outside the court, jiafu xi (a performance featuring female impersonation) was part of various performances and entertainments in the Tang dynasty† (78). Historical accounts confirm that many male actors were proficient at playing female roles; furthermore, there is also historical evidence that confirms boys dressed as women performed for aristocratic families (Tian 78). During the Tang dynasty, a highly popular performance that involved female impersonation was the folk singing and dance performance known as â€Å"tayaoniang† (stamping and swaying wife). These performances were characterized by the wife being impersonated by a man, who complains about being beaten by her inebriated husband and sings to the rhythm of â€Å"her† dance while the audience responds in chorus (Cui 1959:18 cited in Tian at 78). Peking Opera Peking Opera Peking Opera is China’s national opera. Opera is so popular in China that they declared a â€Å"Peking Opera Month†. Peking Opera has been around for 200 years. â€Å"Its main melodies originated from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei respectively and, overtime, techniques from many other local operas were incorporated†. Peking Opera is said to have come to the front after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troupes came to Beijing. Peking Opera was developed quickly over the reign of Emperor Qianlong and the Empress Dowager Cixi under the imperial patron and became accessible to the common people.Peking Opera was originally performed on outside stages such as a teahouse or temple courtyards. The singers developed a piercing style of singing that could be heard over the loud orchestra. â€Å"The costumes were a garish collection of sharply contrasting colors to stand out on the dim stage illuminated by oil lamps†. Peking Opera incorporates parts from â€Å"The Grand Opera, ballet and acrobatics, consisting of dance, dialogue, monologues, martial arts and mime†. The â€Å"Nueva Cancion† Song Tradition Nueva Cancion† is Spanish for new song. Nueva Cancion â€Å"is a movement and genre within Latin American and Iberian music of folk music, folk-inspired music and socially committed music†. Nueva Cancion is seen as playing a powerful role in the social upheavals in Portugal, Spain, and Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. Nueva Cancion started in Chile in the 1960s and was known as â€Å"The Chilean New Song†. Soon Nueva Cancion started to emerge in Spain and other areas of Latin America. Nueva Cancion renewed tradtitional Latin American folk music, and was soon associated with revolutionary movements, the Latin American New Left, Liberation Theology, hippie and human rights movements due to political lyrics†. Many Neuva Cancion musicians were often censored, exiled, forced to disappear and even tortured by â€Å"right-winged military dictatorships, as in Francoist Spain, Pinochet’s Chile and in Videla and Galtireri’s Argentina†. Neuva Cancion songs were so politically strong and because of this have been used in more recent â€Å"political campaigns, the Orange Revolution, which used Violeta Parra’s Gracias a la vida†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Describe and Compare the Role of Local and State Government in Urban Essay

Describe and Compare the Role of Local and State Government in Urban and Regional Planning in Western Australia - Essay Example These two factors are considered to be a fundamental basis of planning (Blackhall, 2005). It is in this regard that the local as well as the state government of any particular nation plays a considerable role in making effective plans. In relation to planning system, the primary purposes of the government, in both local as well as state levels, are to generate sustainable communities, encourage sustainable development and enhance the performance of the local authorities in determining any sort of planning applications (Poister, 2005). In this discussion, an overview of the planning system which prevails in Western Australia will be taken into concern. Moreover, a detailed description about how the planning system operates at the local and state level in Western Australia will be discussed henceforth. Various aspects which include the planning legislations, plans and the administrative frameworks prevailing in Western Australia in relation to planning system will also be considered. B esides, an evaluation about the purpose of planning in Western Australia will be portrayed in the below discussion. Operations of the Planning System in Western Australia The planning system currently prevailing in Western Australia has served the state successfully for more than 50 years. The planning system existing in the region of Western Australia is primarily based upon an exceptional combination of steady institutional based arrangements, which enjoys bipartisan support by a certain extent. The system is structurally governed by simple as well as strong legislation along with a centralized legitimate authority titled as The Department of Planning (DoP). DoP was formed in the year 2009 in Western Australia which plays an imperative role in enhancing the living standard of the inhabitants belonging to the state. It broadly aims to support as well as to organize the planning and advancement of regional land-use within Western Australia (Government of Western Australia, 2011). It has been apparent from the fact that most of the people as well as the different government agencies pay utmost attention towards the planning system for the purpose of growing their respective townships in a sustainable manner (Oladipo, 2008). It is worth mentioning in this regard that the chief components of the planning system in Western Australia are based on the ideas of strategic planning and statutory planning. The aspect of strategic planning emphasizes upon long-term regional planning throughout the region of Western Australia. It incorporates a broad assortment of various social, financial, infrastructural and environmental issues by a considerable extent. In the similar context, the idea of statutory planning stresses upon the fact of effectively managing the procedure of land-use, urban development and land supply across the region of Western Australia (State of Western Australia, 2007). The different priority areas that the planning system in Western Australia focuses upon include empowering the institutional arrangements as well as the governance, developing an inclusive regional framework and simplifying various planning approvals. The other concerning areas include paying greater attention to the major planning projects as well as effectual planning instruments and establishing an incorporated infrastructure for developing the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Inamo restaurant in London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Inamo restaurant in London - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that modern world pace has now started to dictate every walk of life that even includes the time we are not working. Work has taken primarily the majority of our time in the week. Therefore the cooling time of the human machinery has been taken up by business individuals calling it the restaurant and catering industry. Many high rise and catchy building surface everyday offering food and entertainment for the consumers which are deprived of a cool off time at home due to their busy schedules. Therefore, generating an air of competition among rivals and between rival food joints. Each and every food providing facility incorporates methods to stand aloof of the rest of the bunch which is a major factor contributing towards the success and profit of the business. Technology as it stands in the present time is the lone factor which can propel any business to the stars or to the ground, from the lack of it. Similarly new fashion modern eat-out pla ces are integrating technology with their restaurants to enable an environment for the consumer that is self pulling in its own manner. The hospitality industry inspired by the James Bond’s technology stunts have entered into the technology race, just like the Russian American space race in the early 60’s. The only difference, there are many moons that can be conquered. The inamo restaurant website gives a very interactive look while selecting of the dishes and table reservation. According to a recent survey, a larger percentage of new entrepreneurs employ internet to enhance their business appeal (McKendric,1999). These internet applications, like the e-ordering system has great interest for researchers and developers as the information sharing is the core part of the business operation. Given the competition from old-school businesses and their firm hold on the market, an e-business can only survive if it provides the following facility to the customer: reduced price s, broader selection bracket, better options and better services (Vassos, 1996). All these mentioned qualities are available in the form of e-ordering system of the â€Å"inamo† restaurant. The wide variety can also be seen in a pictorial view, making it far easier for the customers to choose their food from their comfort of their homes before reaching the place itself. Some services like the actual delivery of food cannot be controlled online; therefore physical presence of the customer is needed in this case in the restaurant. The restaurant implies an interactive menu table for the pleasure of the customer to avoid the fuss of waiter interaction once he

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Explain how human skin color reflects adaptations to varying amounts Essay

Explain how human skin color reflects adaptations to varying amounts of sunlight - Essay Example Rather, it is something that should be appreciated because it only shows how the human body naturally adjusts to the environment. It is believed that Africans and other races with similar skin color have darker coloration because of more melanin that the body produces as an effect of the warmth of the sun. Melanin is the pigment that determines skin color. When a person stays under the sun, more melanin is produced and therefore creates a darker skin color. That is why, when a white person tans or stays under the sun, there would be a darkening of the skin. The same happens in darker-skinned people but the effect is not as obvious as the one on white people. On the contrary, dark-skinned people who stay longer in colder places tend to have fairer skin than other people of the same race who live in warmer places. Since they are not often exposed to the sun, there is no need for more melanin so they tend to have lighter skin color

Friday, July 26, 2019

Just Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Just Health - Essay Example "Is health, and therefore health care and other factors that affect health, of special moral importance?" 2. "When are health inequalities unjust? 3. â€Å"How can we meet health needs fairly under resource restraints?" (Daniels, 2008) This essay will evaluate the conceptualization of healthcare, global poverty, and world hunger on a common moral basis related to human need through an analysis of these ‘Three Questions of Justice’ in the works of Amartya Sen, Ronald Dworkin, John Rawls, and other modern scholars. In relating the issue of human needs to human rights through the lens of the moral imperative, the essay will seek to understand how societies and groups build political consensus and collectively address issues of human suffering through political organizations. This analysis includes an exploration of the theoretical and practical limits of humanitarian activity related to egalitarian economic rights frameworks and the goals of universal healthcare that are f ound in democracy, capitalism, and human rights. The moral awareness of the individual creates the categorical imperative to act, join into groups of free-association, build policies, and reform institutions to provide universal healthcare globally. This is based in human altruism fundamentally by definition. The issues of resource scarcity in society are only limited if the individual chooses to perceive them that way or they are controlled forcibly in a way that is inconsistent with the equality of human need defined through altruism. Similarly, they will only be enacted as policy or viewed as â€Å"universals† in society if enough people share these goals in group organizations collectively. Reform of institutions to implement economic rights or universal healthcare popularly is based in the shared moral awareness. The means of funding this process is limited only by resource restraints as individuals conceive them, and these are not inherent to society. Rather, the cost o f universal healthcare is negligible compared to what society wastes on what can be considered non-essential goods and services or â€Å"socialism for the rich† as it operates under the hegemony of corporate democracy in modern America. Because the coercive aspects of wealth distribution are resisted politically, an ideal solution to Daniels’ â€Å"Three Questions of Justice† can only be implemented if people base their social decisions and policies on selfless, compassionate, and altruistic understanding of human needs and global development, highlighting the need for mind-change (metanoia) in the individual as the basis for the reform of institutions and policy. The shared fundamentals of both humanism and religion provide a basis for the realization of these goals in human society, yet education in moral values can be seen as the preferred method of achieving for lasting change in institutions and governance. II. Healthcare - Human Need Creates the Moral Impe rative One way to interpret Daniels’ ‘Three Questions of Justice’ as they relate to the evolution of culture and civilization historically is to view healthcare issues related to global poverty, hunger, clean water, and sanitation of a special

Nicholas II Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nicholas II - Coursework Example Additionally, Nicholas not only relied on individuals who supported his ideas, but also enhanced autocracy. This incompetence in leadership catalyzed the problems Russians were going through. During the reign of Nicholas II, Russians experienced many problems as a result of Nicholas II incompetency. Russia lagged behind in terms of agriculture, commerce and industrialization (Hosking, 1993). Famine as well as high level of illiteracy also posed great challenge to the Russians whose population was increasing exponentially; people were allowed to cultivate and grow crops in traces of lands. Additionally, majority of the peasants were also very poor; they did not afford fertilizers leading to unproductive forms of agriculture. In addition, majority of the peasants were also unhealthy. In running Russia, Nicholas employed autocratic policies (Hosking, 1993). He believed in himself and wanted everything to be done according to his will. He also advocated foreign policies; he influenced the International Peace Conference that met at The Hague to promote universal peace. Additionally, Nicholas enhanced tsarist policies that that began in 1533 in leading Russians. In his reign as a czar, Nicholas rejected some policies that he considered threats to his leadership (Pipes, 2011). For instance, he highly rejected Russification policy. According to him, this policy was aimed at weakening his autocracy as well as the empire’s political

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The UK government is right to listen to claims that large banks should Essay

The UK government is right to listen to claims that large banks should be broken up - Essay Example The impediment is that every niche of this argument is based on a myth. The first misleading notion is that the materialization of huge, universal banks- uniting investment banking with commercial banking- was an unnatural or artificial development. This disjointed market means that banks could not accomplish the economies of scale or simply supply clients on a global or national level. The market needs stimulated the consolidation and gave birth to an evolution towards greater competency in the banking sector.3 A second erroneous belief is that these universal, large institutions were primarily to give guilt for financial crisis. As most grave observers recognize, an amalgamation of risk management and bad lending by poor regulation, bank management and poor-advised consumer performance all played a role. A third misleading notion is that huge financial institutions have become too intricate to supervise. A firm of any size needs strong management and control to supervise complication. In reality, big global institutions have frequently proved more elastic than others because their expansion in business model makes sure that loss in one department of enterprise can be stifled by revenues in other departments of the organization. In some instances, intricacy can be a remedy to risk, instead of a reason of it. 4 The opponents of huge banks that are seldom aired similar to they don’t qualify for examination. Critics point to the excessive influence huge banks mostly has on the political procedures. They panic that those regulators are intimidated by a big bank’s power and position. These opponents appear to consider that regulators are not capable of coming up with independent verdicts. In the practical world, this instance is not true. That supposed, it is genuinely right and mandatory for politicians and regulators to employ with industry and experts practitioners to be trained about these issues. These

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Segmentation and Targeting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Segmentation and Targeting - Term Paper Example A Rolex customer is a person that is accustomed to buying luxury items. A lot of Rolex watches have target market of people that are millionaires (Rolexforums, 2011). (2) How does the choice of target market influence the company's pricing and promotion (from what you know so far)? The target market of Timex of targeting people of all ages is achieved by the firm’s pricing strategy of selling watches at the low end of the market. Most Timex watches are sold at a price point between $25 and $50. Timex utilizes various promotional strategies to increase the sales of the firm. Some of the stunts include the use of customized watches for incentive awards, sales incentives, corporate promotions, business gifts, safety programs, and recognition awards (Timex, 2011). The retailer that sell Timex watches on many occasions sell the watches on special since the target customer of Timex watches are price sensitive. The demand of products that are priced low goes up by further decreasing the price of the product. The Rolex uses different promotional strategies to attract customers. The use of celebrities sponsoring the product can help increase the appeal of the product. Rolex watches are sold at jewelry stores and in luxury department stores. There is a lot of competition in the luxury watch marketplace and many online vendors offer attractive discounts off the retail price to persuade people to buy Rolex products. For instance Melrose Jewelers is currently offering the Presidential Rolex at $9,825 (Melrose Jewelers, 2011). This price is 36% below retail price. (3) Now imagine one of the companies you chose wants to introduce a new target market. For instance, suppose Hilton or Four Seasons wanted to offer a budget option for the target market sought by Motel 6. How would this strategy affect consumer perceptions? Rolex could introduce a cheap version of its watches to attract the younger demographic between the ages of 18-25 years of age. The new product could att ract a lot of new customers and the sales of that product might be excellent. The problem with that strategy is that it can dilute the brand name of the company. The wealthy people that are accustomed to the prestige of owning a Rolex will not be very happy with the masses buying cheap Rolexes sold at hundreds of dollar a piece instead of thousands. The company could lose a lot of customers that are enabling the firm to make a nice profit margin from each unit sold. The second scenario involves Timex introducing an expensive model to target a different segment. A good way to achieve such a strategy is by including implicit value in the construction of the watch such building the watch with some or all its parts in gold. I think adding a line of luxury watches would be beneficial for the company. (4) Do you think these customers will be influenced by changes in the economy? Why or why not? Timex is better suited to accept negative changes in the economy than Rolex. Timex sells a chea p product. During bad economic times people look for bargains. Many users of mid level brands might switch to cheap brands such as Timex to serve their watch needs. During good economic times the Timex brand will do better, but the firm might lose a portion of its recurrent customers who might switch to more expensive brands because they can afford them now. The low price point of Timex makes the watch an excellent gift and during good economic times people are more generous. A Rolex is a luxury item. Luxury items do not have good sales during bad economic

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Role - Essay Example Moreover, they discuss the broader sense of this term by writing about social capital and social activities (Adler and Goggin, 2005, pp. 239-240). As for Schlozman et al. (1999), these authors propose to analyze civic engagement through the three-argument framework, which includes its appearance as volunteering activity, as promotion of democracy, and as manifestation of community interests (p. 428). Due to this, it is reasonable to state that civic engagement is a broader concept than a community problem solving one. In this case, Adler and Goggin (2005) define community activities as a narrower appearance of civic engagement term on the axis resulting in political activities (p. 241). Even though this concept is hard to define, all of its manifestations include the reaction on certain social problems. Thus, it is possible to assume that civic engagement as a phenomenon appeared as one of the tools of problem solving within a social community. In this context, Adler and Goggin (2005 ) synthetize all the available definitions of the term in the statement, â€Å"Civic engagement describes how an active citizen participates in the life of a community in order to improve conditions for others or to help shape the community’s future† (p. 242). In short, the attempts to define the concept reveal the importance of community dimension in its essence. With the very appearance of civic engagement in practice, it is common to associate it with active volunteering position of the youth. In this case, it mostly appears in the context of reforms within higher education institutions (Adler and Goggin, 2005, p. 237). As the research conducted by Adler and Goggin (2005) has shown, the age of people involved in civic engagement as community problem solving is younger in average in contrast to its wider dimensions of electoral and political

Monday, July 22, 2019

Employment responsibilities Essay Example for Free

Employment responsibilities Essay Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children and young people’s settings. Outcome 1 know the statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers within own area of work 1 Health safety, minimum wage, working hours, equality 2 – Health Safety at Work Act 1974: An act put in place to look after the health, safety and welfare of people at work, for protecting others against risks to health or safety in connection with the activities of people at work. Equality Act 2010: This act legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace. Employment Rights Act 1996: This act explains what rights employees have in a place of work. For example, time off work, guaranteed wages, dismissal and redundancy. 3 – To protect employees against circumstances they may face in their working lives. Every person who works for an employer is protected from discrimination in the workplace, has the right to receive the national minimum wage, and to work no more than 48 hours per week unless they wish to. These employee rights apply regardless of whether the employee or worker is temporary, fixed-term or permanent, or how long they have worked for the employer. These laws provide rules and regulations that must be followed. 4 – Sources and types of information and advice available can be, speaking directly to managers, reading policies and procedures, looking on the internet ( , going to a citizen advice bureau or joining a union. Outcome 2 – understand agreed ways of working that protect own relationship with employer 1 – My contract of employment at Crown House covers the following : job title, probationary period, place of work, pay, deductions, hours of work,  overtime, time recording, short time working and lay off, annual holidays, public holidays, sick pay, alcohol and drug testing, pension, notice and garden leave. 2 – My payslip includes the following information: company name, department, payment method, payment period, payments, hours, rate, amount, deductions (PAYE tax, National Insurance, Pension), totals, week/month, date, department number, tax code, employee number, employee name and net total. 3 – If you have a grievance relating to your employment, you should in the first instance raise this with the manager. If the grievance cannot be settled informally, you must set out the grievance and the basis for it in writing and submit it to the Area Manager. 4- Personal information that must be kept up to date with own employer can include : change of name, marital status, change of address, any medical conditions that may affect work, any medication prescribed that may affect work and any altercations with the police must be admitted. 5 – Agreed ways of working includes policies and procedures, which may cover areas such as: Data protection – how confidential files relating to staff or service users are stored in cupboards where access is only given if needed. Conflict management – if there is any conflict between staff members this should be bought to the attention of the manager and he/she should try to resolve this professionally. Anti-discriminatory practise staff and service users will not be discriminated regardless of their age, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnic background or disability. Health and safety – staff should wear appropriate clothing, for example flat shoes and covered up. It is staffs responsibility to report any health and  safety issues they may come across, whether it be broken equipment or maintenance needed within the building. Equality and diversity – staff and service users must be treated equally but not all the same. Opportunities should not be missed just because somebody may need extra support to do something. For example, if a sensory room is upstairs and somebody cannot manage the stairs for whatever reason, help should be given (lift, stair lift) so that person can access the room. Outcome 3 – Understand how own role fits within the wider context of the sector 1 – My job description is to provide centred focused care to service users. To provide opportunities for service users to increase their knowledge and experience, to encourage them to maintain present skills and learn new ones, and to enable them to gain more control over their lives. To manage and minimise behaviours as best as possible. To ensure the four key principles of the ‘Valuing People’ document are adhered to at all times ‘Rights’ ‘Independence’ ‘Choice’ and ‘Inclusion’. General and administration duties. ** Important: this is not exhaustive and is subject to review in line with the changing needs of the unit and/or the needs of the service users. 2 Positive Negative Accessing community and participating in activities of enjoyment People may be at risk to themselves and others (staff, members of public) Gives the company a good name Service users not motivated, become lazy Improves service users development and remain stimulated Behaviours may be displayed often Keep service users safe Gives the company a bad reputation 3 – Other people in which staff need to communicate with will include, but  are not limited to, the following: Residential homes – to find out how the service user has been at home (behaviours, illness), let them of know of any lunch requirements (picnics, cooked lunch), ensure money is sent in for planned activities, make sure the service user is dressed appropriately for planned activities. Speech and Language Therapists – to assess, monitor and review a service users eating and swallowing if any problems have been noticed and reported, to offer help with communication aids and techniques. Mental health team – attend regular appointments with service users to see how they are, is medication working? Any new problems/obsessions? How mood has been? (agitated, confused, depressed) Any behaviour triggers? 4 – CQC are regulators for all health and social care services in Enlgand. A regulator is an organisation that checks services meet the government’s standards or rules about care. They also look after the rights of people who need extra support to stay safe. This includes people who are kept in care under a law called the Mental Health Act. The government’s standards cover all areas of care. These rules are about things like: respecting people and treating them in the way we all expect to be treated. making sure people receive the food and drink they need. giving people care in clean, safe buildings. managing services and having the right staff. CQC put care services on their register if they meet the standards, or act quickly if they do not. They continue to use different information to find out as much as they can about services. Information from the public about their experiences of care is very important to CQC. They also work with local groups and people who use services to find out what’s working well and what’s working badly in health and social care services in their area. Inspectors check services all over England to make sure they meet the rules for safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care. Care services, and other organisations like the NHS, also give CQC information about certain things that happen. For example, they will check a service if more people are dying there than usual. They act quickly to stop unsafe services or bad ways of working. They say what needs to change and go back to check things are better. CQC can also fine people or companies, give  services a public warning, stop the service caring for any new people, stop a service caring for people while they find out what is happening and even shut services down. Outcome 4 – Understand career pathways available within own related sectors 1 – To be a care home manager you would need the following qualifications * at least two years’ senior management or supervisory experience in a relevant care setting within the past five years * a qualification appropriate to the care you will be providing, such as NVQ Level 4 in Health and Social Care, a degree in social work or nursing (with live registration) * a management qualification, such as NVQ Level 4 in Leadership and Management for Care Services (which replaces the Registered Managers Award (RMA)) or equivalent like a Diploma in Management Studies, or a Management NVQ Level 4 . To be a nurse you would need the following qualifications – around 5 GCSEs (or equivalent) of Grade C and above including English Literature or Language, Mathematics and a science subject. to take a nursing degree courses you will normally need at least 2 A-Level s or equivalent. all nurse training is done by universities. They offer nursing diplomas or degrees which take three years to complete. The diplomas however are being phased out and most universities are moving to degree only in September 2011 – all universities must move to degree only by September 2013 to work as a nurse in the United Kingdom you must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. The title Registered Nurse is only given to you when you have that registration. To be a social worker you would need the following qualifications – a three-year undergraduate degree or a two-year postgraduate degree in social work that is approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Many university courses are full-time, although some work-based routes with part-time study may also be available. You will typically need the following qualifications in order to study for an undergraduate degree in social work: five GCSEs (A-C) including English and maths  at least two A levels, or an equivalent qualification such as a BTEC National  Diploma or NVQ Level 3 in Health and Social Care. You should check entry requirements, as colleges and universities may accept alternatives like an Access to Higher Education or substantial relevant work experience (paid or voluntary). If you already have a degree, you could do a two-year postgraduate Masters degree in social work. When you apply for social work training, you should ideally already have some paid or voluntary experience in a social work or care setting. You will also need to pass background checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Previous convictions or cautions may not automatically prevent you from this type of work. 2 – In order to become a Deputy Manager of a day service such as Crown House, I would speak to my current manager and find out all the information I needed to know. I could also get in contact with the companies head office and if need be any training providers. 3 – The next steps in my career pathway are as follows Any refresher training to update my knowledge and remind me what I learnt last time, this will include NAPPI training. Attend first aid course and SOVA course annually Complete NVQ level 3 by December 2015 Mental health training by June 2016 Outcome 5 – Understand how issues of public concern may affect the image and delivery of services in the sector 1 – The following are cases where the public have raised concerns regarding issues within the care sector: Winterbourne View Baby P Ash Court Fiona Chisholm Orme House 2 – Abuse took place at Winterbourne View, a hospital for patients with learning disabilities and challenging behaviours in Gloucestershire. A Panorama investigation broadcast on television in 2011, exposed the physical and psychological abuse suffered by people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour at the hospital. Local social services and the English national regulator (Care Quality Commission) had received various warnings but the mistreatment continued. One senior nurse reported his concerns to the management at Winterbourne View and to CQC, but his complaint was not taken up. The footage showed staff repeatedly assaulting and harshly restraining patients under chairs. Staff gave patients cold punishment showers, left one outside in near zero temperatures, and poured mouthwash into anothers eyes. They pulled patients hair and forced medication into patients mouths. Victims were shown screaming and shaking, and one patient was seen trying to jump out of a second floor window to escape the torment, and was then mocked by staff members. One patient was repeatedly poked in the eyes. A clinical psychologist who reviewed the footage described the abuse as torture. On 21 June 2011, 86 people and organisations wrote to the Prime Minister, David Cameron about the revelations, We are aware of the various actions currently being taken within and outside government – such as the DH review and CQC internal inquiry. We hope to make submissions to those both individually and collectively. However, on their own these will not be enough and a clear programme is needed to achieve change. The prime minister responded saying he was â€Å"appalled† at the â€Å"catalogue of abuses† Panorama uncovered. In June 2011 the Association of Supported Living issued a press statement, which was followed up in writing to every member of parliament in the United Kingdom, calling for community based supported living services to replace institutional services for people with learning disabilities. The Daily Mail said Without the investigation by the BBCs Panorama, given huge coverage in the Mail, the abuse of patients at Winterbourne View might be continuing to this day. As it is, the secure hospital and two other care  homes have been shut down, 11 guilty staff have been brought to justice – and a devastating report now exposes the serial failings of the local NHS, police and health watchdogs. For the past year, the Leveson Inquiry has focused relentlessly on the failings of the media. Never let it be forgotten how much this country owes, in the fight against cruelty and corruption, to its free Press. The Daily Telegraph said, It is impossible to read the details of what went on at Winterbourne View, a care home for the severely disabled in Gloucestershire, without feeling repelled. In the wake of an exposà © from the BBCs Panorama, 11 members of staff were convicted of almost 40 charges of neglect and ill treatment of those in their care. The national regulator, the CQC did a nationwide check on facilities owned by the same company, Castlebeck Care – as a result three more institutions have been closed. The CQC reported a systemic failure to protect people or to investigate allegations of abuse and said that Castlebeck Care had misled the health watchdog. The CQC also inspected 132 similar institutions and a Serious Case Review was commissioned. The head of the Care Quality Commission resigned ahead of a critical government report, a report in which Winterbourne View was cited. Mencap published a report warning that similar abuse could be going on elsewhere and calling for the closure of all large institutions far from peoples families. Eleven people pleaded guilty to criminal offences of neglect or abuse as a result of evidence from Undercover Care and six of them were jailed. Immediately after the eleventh person pleaded guilty, the Serious Case Review was published, revealing hundreds of previous incidents at the hospital and missed warnings. 3 The public seems to have lost faith in such regulators and companies as this has been reocurring for a number of years. The media have issued a lot of publicity stating how care companies, social services and regulators have let the victims down by simply not taking these cases seriously enough and ensuring the well-being and standards are being met. The public may feel  reluctant to use the care services to look after their family members. These issues also give the care sector a bad reputation. 4 – Recent changes in service delivery which have affected own area of work includes staff being supervised and appraised on a regular basis, changes to medication being administered, NAPPI training to prevent forceful restraining, ensuring incident/accident forms are completed correctly and signed by witnesses if needed and up to date training, policies and procedures.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Providing An Enabling Environment Children And Young People Essay

Providing An Enabling Environment Children And Young People Essay The principle of providing an enabling environment is that children learn and develop in enabling environment, the environment plays a vital role in supporting childrens individual needs in learning and development, strong partnerships between practitioners and parents is a positive start to providing an enabling environment. The health and safety of the environment is vital to ensure the safeguarding and wellbeing of the children. Babies and children will feel emotionally safe and secure and will develop and learn most effectively. A truly enabling environment provides the stimulation and the positive relationships that support children to feel safe enough to explore. A good early childhood environment meets the childs basic needs and supports and encourages children to engage in activities that implement the programs curriculum. Further, the environment is designed to enable staff to facilitate the optimum learning for their children. Finally, the environment makes parents and guar dians feel welcome, involved, and empowered. In this essay I will look at how to organise a safe, but challenging environment for children. Explain the practitioners role within the wider multi-agency environment. Describe the regulatory requirements that must be followed when organising an environment for children in the early years. Evaluate the effectiveness of the environment in meeting childrens individual needs. There are a number of important principles to think about when you are planning for a safe environment for children and young people. When preparing environments for children, it is important to consider their age and stage of development. We also need to consider whether the environment meets the needs of the individual children. Children develop at different rates. Some children need more challenging activities while others may need a different type of activity or different resources observing individual children to see how they engage with the environment will help us to plan appropriately. Every child is an individual with different needs depending on their age and abilities. You must think about this when planning activities, for example when they involve physical play, or if more consideration must be given to the needs of a child who has just become mobile than to an older child, when planning room layouts. Some children have specific needs such as sensory impairments; for exa mple think about the challenges to a child with limited hearing understanding explanations about safety. The different needs of families and carers must be considered. You should always consider the childs safety and welfare in your mind when planning. Every child and young person has a right to a safe and secure environment. Before starting any activity it is important that you take into account the health and safety requirements of all children, ensuring that the environment is free of any hazards and it is safe for children to play. Health and safety is the most valuable factor to consider when planning a safe and challenging environment for childrens learning and development to take place. Developmental needs of children are also a factor to consider; as children grow and develop in different stages, so it is important to consider the developmental needs and abilities of children when planning an environment for children. Things we should consider when planning is: Physical Emotional Social Intellectual Accessibility Safety and supervision of infants and toddlers is a key role to providing a safe environment. All registered providers must meet the minimum requirements for space within their environment and staff ratios. Meeting staff ratios ensures the safety of children, failure to meet these ratios could cause accidents and injuries(Open Study College Early Years Level 3 PG50) By following all these points we abide with the legal obligation to the duty of care. Staff ratios as follows: 1:3 children under 2 years 1:4 children aged 2 years 1:8 children aged 3-5 years When planning for a healthy and safe indoor environment rooms should be organised to limit the safety, space is also a vital factor to consider, by ensuring there is sufficient space in relation to the number of children who will be using it within the environment. This allows children to move around easily and comfortably. Children from birth to two years require 3.5m2 space per child, children aged two to three years old require 2.5m2 space per child, and children aged three to five years require 2.3m2 space per child. (Open Study College Early Years Level 3) Multi agency working is when a number of professionals work together to provide support in meeting the individual needs of children. The wider community plays a vital role in childrens learning and development. Practitioners need to work together across services for example working in partnership with health visitors, general practitioners, social workers, physiotherapists, and speech and language therapist. To best support children and their families all these groups need to communicate well, listen carefully to all concerned and to put the childrens needs first. (Open Study College- Early Years Level 3 -V1.0 PG 40, 66) According to (The CAF process 26 April 2012) The CAF is a four-step process whereby practitioners can identify a childs or young persons needs early, assess those needs holistically, deliver coordinated services and review progress. The CAF is designed to be used when a practitioner is worried about how well a child or young person is progressing (e.g. concerns about their health, development, welfare, behaviour, progress in learning or any other aspect of their wellbeing) a child or young person, or their parent/carer, raises a concern with a practitioner a childs or young persons needs are unclear, or broader than the practitioners service can address. The EY. Statutory framework provides regulations that all early years setting must comply with when providing an environment for children. Health and safety legislations play a key role on the provision of an environment and must be followed by all employers with the setting. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974- all employers have legal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work at 1974. Employers must meet certain rules to ensure that health and safety is implemented and to make sure everyone at work is safe within the environment. As practitioners everyone in the childcare setting must know what their health and safety policies in the settings are. In a childcare setting the following guidelines apply: buildings should be in good condition and designed with the safety of users in mind buildings and surroundings should be clean and safe and equipment must be safely used and stored. This act helps maintain healthy, safe and secure environments as is safeguards both the children and the adults working with them. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) COSHH is the law that all employers must follow in regards to harmful substances. (COSHH Regulations 1999) states Hazardous substances are anything that can harm your health when you work with them if they are not properly controlled. Most settings use cleaning products or have other products that are hazardous. While caring for children early years workers may have to handle nappy changing, or clean up after toileting or other accidents. In order to minimise the risk to health, it is important to be aware of hazards in the environment. It is essential to use protective equipment such as gloves and masks, if using hazardous substances. All products that are used by children, including toys, must be in a good condition and reasonably safe to use. All children are protected by safety laws. Various symbols are used to indicate toys and equipment are safe and suitable for children of particular ages. The kitemark symbol is used in the United Kingdom to ensure that products are safe and suitable. According to Author: John Rowlinson 21 December 2012) when you see a toy or product with a Kitemark this means that the British Standards Institution has independently tested it, has confirmed that the product conforms to the relevant British Standard The CE Mark symbol includes the name and address of the first supplier, was required by law to appear on all toys placed on the market in the European Union on and after January 1990. The Lion Mark was developed in 1988 by the British Toy Hobby Association as a symbol of toy safety and quality for the consumer. The lion mark for retailers By displaying this sign the retailer is saying that all products in the shop meet a certain standard of safety. This symbol displayed in the shop, in catalogues and in retailer advertising, indicates that the retailer has agreed to the Code of Practice. Practitioners need to consider that the toys they provide for children to play with meet their requirements of their individual age and stage of development. Practitioners should consider when taking donations or buying second hand toys, extra care is needed to ensure that they are safe and meet the current regulations. Avoid toys which are a risk to children choking e.g., toys with small components or parts which detach, avoid toys with sharp points, and edges or finger traps, also check toys have not become dangerously worn. Safety equipment is used within the early years settings to promote the safety and wellbeing of the children. Regular check on all safety equipment should be carried out, and the manufactures instructions should be closely followed. It is considered as good practice to buy new equipment, as it will confirm with the latest safety regulations. Below is a list of the safety equipment commonly found in the early years settings: Stair gates- prevent babies and children from falling down the stairs. Electric plus covers- prevent children from putting their fingers or objects into sockets. High chairs- helps young children to sit safely at mealtimes, they will have safety harnesses to keep the child secure. Window locks- prevent children from falling out, opening or leaving the premises. Radiator covers- to prevent children from touching the radiators when switched on and burning themselves. Early years premises should ensure high levels of security around the building to keep children safe at all times. Entrance doors should be kept locked at all times and controlled by staff members to ensure the safety, settings are required to keep a record of visitors, making sure they are signing in an out at all times staff should fully supervise visitors at all times whilst on premises. Children should only be allowed to leave the setting with an authorised individual that has been identified by the childs parents prior to starting the setting. In my setting where I previously worked we had to ensure that all children in our building are safe and have a secure environment, we had certain security arrangements in place, we had two mechanical doors which can only be opened from the inside of the building and as a security alarm system fitted which sounds whenever the door opens, we also had a policy about getting information from parents who can collect the child, names and picture s were taken prior to the child starting the nursery. Environments need to be appropriately heated and ventilated to prevent the spread of infection and to ensure a good supply of fresh air to children. Lighting should be appropriate for clear visibility and to enable children to work in comfort. The organisation of the furniture and activities is important in promoting the safety of the children and providing an enabling environment. When planning the setting of the environment fire exits should be clear of obstacles to enable safe evacuation if necessary, the layout of the environment should be adaptable for children with disabilities, the layout of the furniture and resources should allow sufficient space around the setting for children to move around more easily. Risks and hazards risks and hazards are found within all workplaces; within an early years setting there can be risks and hazards for children, staff members and visitors. A hazard is something a child does not see, is something that has the potential to cause harm, whereas a risk is a challenge a child can see, and chooses to undertake it or not, risk is the likely or possible outcome of the hazard. A risk assessment is a legal requirement which is used to identify potential hazards within the environment. Risk assessments are important within the early years settings to ensure the safety and welfare of all the individuals in the setting of children. Risk taking is important for children it gives them a chance to take on a personal responsibility when children learn how to take risks; they also learn how to think independently. The role of the practitioner in risk taking is decide what is safe for the children and then to supervise the children in taking the risk. As children becom e older practitioners can encourage children how to keep themselves safe. Practitioners working with children need to be the ones to control the risk, taking account the individual needs of children. Babies and young children have basic needs that must be met for them to develop and mature. For children, these essential needs include warm, caring, and responsive adults; a sense of importance and significance; a way to relate to the world around them; opportunities to move and play; and people to help structure and support their learning. The emotional environment is more than physical space because it contains the emotions of the children who spend time in it, the staff that work there and the parents who leave their children. Maintaining positive feelings is important for children to feel safe in the emotional environment. The emotional environment plays a key role in meeting childrens individual needs. Practitioners within the setting should ensure that the setting is warm, loving, secure and accepting place to be for everyone, not just for children. Practitioners should encourage children to express themselves by giving them chance to talk and by actively listening to them. According to (Martine Horvath Sunday March 03 2013) When children know that their feelings are accepted, they feel safe. The indoor environment will have an immediate effect on children learning and development. The indoor environment should be well equipped with high quality resources; indoor space needs careful planning as it needs to be flexible to accommodate childrens individual needs. Environments should be attractive and make children feel safe and secure and happy to be there. Children learn through play, exploring their environment and beginning to find out about the world around them. Play theorist Bob Hughes identified 16 different types of play. Early years settings need to provide a separate room for babies, but should be given regular contact to see older children to help promote their social and emotional development, as children some older, they require a balance of structured activity as well as the ability to initiate their own play. The outdoor environment holds equal value to the indoor environment and provides many opportunities for learning and development. Children gain enormous benefits from learning outdoors, ideally they should have access to outdoor space on a daily basis, not all children will gain access to a garden or outer space within their home, and therefore they should be given the opportunity to explore the outdoor environment whilst at their setting. The outdoor can provide development opportunities for children socially intellectually, physically, and emotionally. Being outdoors supports confidence and self-esteem. Outdoor play opportunities will be different depending in the age of the child. Child development theorist Jean Piaget (1896-1980), believed Children construct an understanding of the world around them, then experience discrepancies between what they already know and what they discover in their environment ( by Saul McLeod published 2009, updated 2012) Conclusion When it comes to children and young people, both the safety and the stimulating aspects of the environment should be considered at the same time. Every child and young person has the right to a safe environment and children must have the opportunity of growing up and developing in an environment that is as healthy and safe as possible. An enabling environment will support and facilitate learning and development for children. Children within the early years settings are actively encouraged to explore the indoor and outdoor environment equally, conscientious practitioners and key workers will support learning as children freely engage and interact with their surroundings. Referecences Greenman, J. (1988).  Caring spaces, learning places: Childrens environments that work.  Redmond,  WA: Exchange Press. Available online: By Martine Horvath Sunday March 03 available online: The CAF process updated 26 april 2012 available online: OPEN STUDY COLLEGE EARLY YEARS LEVEL 3 STUDY GUIDE NCFE INVESTING IN QUALITY Author: John Rowlinson Updated: 21 December 2012 Safety Marks: What Do They Mean? online

General Motors Mission, Vision, and Values

General Motors Mission, Vision, and Values Company Background Founded in 1908, General Motors Corporation (GM) is the worlds largest automaker and has been the global industry leader in sales for 76 years (General Motors, 2008a). The United States is GMs largest national market, followed by China, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Today, the company employs about 284,000 people worldwide. With its global headquarters located in Detroit, GM manufactures cars and trucks in 33 countries. In 2006, GM sold 9.1 million cars and trucks globally under the brands Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Hummer, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, and Vauxhall (General Motors, 2008a). GM has fostered partnerships with many automobile manufacturers around the world. The company is currently the majority shareholder in GM Daewoo Auto Technology Co. of South Korea (General Motors, 2008a). GM has collaborated with Suzuki Motor Corp. and Isuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan with product, powertrain, and purchasing. The company has also collaborated with DaimlerChrysler AG and BMW AG of Germany, and Toyota Motor Corp., on advanced technology and ventured in vehicle manufacturing with several automakers, including Toyota, Suzuki, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. of China, AVTOVAZ of Russia, and Renault SA of France. The company currently sells its genuine parts and accessories under the GM, GM Performance Parts, GM Goodwrench, and ACDelco brands through GM Service and Parts Operations, which supplies GM dealerships and distributors worldwide (General Motors, 2008a). With all of GMs success in the past, the company is facing challenges during this time of economic hardship. The companys market valuation has decreased to $5.9 billion and its stock prices are at its lowest in 50 years (Lowenstein, 2008), which is evident with a closing price of $9.69 on July 10, 2008 (Yahoo Finance, 2008a). The skyrocketing price of oil seems to be the immediate cause of GMs problems, decreasing the sale of its sport utility vehicles and trucks (Lowenstein, 2008). The automaker is potentially looking at more layoffs and speculation of a possible sale of Buick and Pontiac (Lowenstein, 2008), however GMs vice president states that Hummer is the only brand the automaker is considering selling at this time (Yahoo Finance, 2008b). Mission/Vision Statement The mission/vision of GM is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services (General Motors, 2008b). Through continuous improvements driven by integrity, teamwork, and innovation of GM people, the company has earned its customers trust and enthusiasm. With all of the competition and the advancement of hybrid and alternative fueled vehicles, GM should look to being a leader of innovation. With this in mind, the mission statement could read GM will become the world leader in quality, innovative, and cost efficient products. The mission is for GM to become the auto industry leader in sales and market share in the global market. Company Values GM has six core values in which employees are to use in conducting daily business practices (General Motors, 2008c). These core values consist of continuous improvement, customer enthusiasm, innovation, teamwork, and individual respect and responsibility. These values must portray an image to the companys consumers that it values their needs and wants. With this said GM should add customer value and thinking green to its core values. This measure would show the company is focused on achieving high levels of customer satisfaction by providing innovative products that offer customers more choices with alternative fueled vehicles. Thinking green will show the company is concerned with doing right by the environment How Mission, Vision, and Values Aid in Reaching Desired End State Mission/Vision In order for GM to achieve its vision, the company understands that many issues must be addressed in order to attain its many goals. In order to become a more sustainable company, GM recognizes the importance of integrating economic, environmental, and social objectives into its daily business objectives and future planning activities. The future success of the company partly depends on technology, innovation, and partnerships (General Motors, 2008b). With technology, GM can efficiently address climate changes and fuel efficiency through its products. By accelerating the development and deployment of new technology, the company is able to improve its existing technology. Innovation provides GM with the tools to develop new ways of doing things as a company and with others. With increased competition in the global industry, innovation is critical in the future success of the company. In order to continue being responsive to the needs and concerns of its stakeholder and creating a sustainable future, GM understands the importance of continuing to build strong partnerships with the employees, industries, governments, markets, and communities, and others in order to be responsive to the needs and concerns of our various stakeholders (General Motors, 2008b). Values GM is based on is six fundamental values.With these values, the company has adopted and endorsed principles, such as the GM Environmental Principles and the Global Sullivan Principles. These principles are consistent with the companys values and serve to inform its strategies. The company states, These strategies drive our behaviors and actions, which produce the results that matter (General Motors, 2008c). Components of the Strategic Management Process Needing to be Analyzed Effect the New Strategy will have on the Leadership and Culture of the Organization How the Outcomes will Affect Stakeholders References General Motors. (2008a). About GM: Company profile. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from General Motors. (2008b). Sustainability and GM: Vision and Strategy. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from General Motors. (2008c). 2005/06 corporate responsibility report. Retrieved July 9, 2008, from Lowenstein, R. (2008). Siphoning G.M.s future. New York Times, p. A.21. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from ProQuest database. Yahoo Finance. (2008a). General Motors Corporation (GM): Historical prices. Retrieved July 12, 2008, from Yahoo Finance. (2008b). GM reassures dealers only Hummer brand is for sale. Reuters. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay -- essays research papers

In my opinion the Retributivist approach to Capital Punishment is the more appropriate view. The Retributivist believes that evil done with a vengeance should be repaid with punishment in-kind. In order to protect society and prevent crime, the death penalty has to be the most severe form of punishment with the biggest impact on society. Persons who commit murder should suffer and be punished for their inexcusable action(s). The principles of retributivism suggest that a convicted murderer should be executed because they â€Å"deserve† and â€Å"have earned† the death sentence. The right of retaliation can only be made equal by balancing of the crime with the punishment even if it is the death penalty. Those opposed to the death penalty argue that on moral grounds, all lives are sacred and killing is always wrong, a society, which kills, is no better than the murderer’s being punished. The Retributivist maintains that the death must be kept free from all maltrea tment that would cause suffering to be loathsome or abominable. Punishment and more specifically â€Å"Capital Punishment† is a very controversial and sensitive subject. Not all countries actively enforce Capital Punishment as a punishment, for a person found guilty by a Judge and/or Jury. Punishment is repairing an injustice – â€Å"Making a wrong right†. However, the question is â€Å"once a person has been convicted and sentenced to the death penalty† who has the more appropriate point of view: a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Retributivist: Legal Retributivism says that if a law is broken, punishment must result, regardless of any moral effects. Moralistic retributivism is concerned with the wrongdoing itself; if pain and grief have occurred, the criminal should be compensated with an equal punishment to the crime. Convicted felons must be punished and suffer to the full extent of their crime. It is morally fitting that a person who does wrong should suffer in proportion to their wrongdoing. Society must inflict as much pain and suffering on convicted criminals as was inflicted during the commission of their crime(s). b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Utilitarian: A moral theory according to which an action is right if and only if it conforms to the principle of utility. Utilitarianism is applied to the proposition that the supreme objective of moral action is the achievement of the greatest happiness for the grea... ...ed by it. The retributivist would point out that under this view, if punishment of an innocent person can be used to increase good or decrease harm, the utilitarian principle would be justified. Although the retributivist and utilitarian views of punishment differ, I believe that both these ideas exist in the legal system. There are two positions to punishment: a judge follows retributivism, looking to the past event to determine punishment, whereas the legislators follow the utilitarian view, looking to the future at all possible general cases. There are problems with the apparent coexistence of these two views of punishment. A retributivist cannot allow utility to be too involved in determining punishment, since there guiding principle is that those guilty of wrongdoing must be punished, no matter what. Imagine a scenario where so many criminals get away with a crime, that a utilitarian viewing body of law might decide to punish a token innocent in order to calm public fears. Justice is the theory and practice of exacting the price for the action. Convicted murderers should be put to death because they deserve to die. Utilitarian and humanitarian considerations are irrelev ant. Capital Punishment Essay -- essays research papers In my opinion the Retributivist approach to Capital Punishment is the more appropriate view. The Retributivist believes that evil done with a vengeance should be repaid with punishment in-kind. In order to protect society and prevent crime, the death penalty has to be the most severe form of punishment with the biggest impact on society. Persons who commit murder should suffer and be punished for their inexcusable action(s). The principles of retributivism suggest that a convicted murderer should be executed because they â€Å"deserve† and â€Å"have earned† the death sentence. The right of retaliation can only be made equal by balancing of the crime with the punishment even if it is the death penalty. Those opposed to the death penalty argue that on moral grounds, all lives are sacred and killing is always wrong, a society, which kills, is no better than the murderer’s being punished. The Retributivist maintains that the death must be kept free from all maltrea tment that would cause suffering to be loathsome or abominable. Punishment and more specifically â€Å"Capital Punishment† is a very controversial and sensitive subject. Not all countries actively enforce Capital Punishment as a punishment, for a person found guilty by a Judge and/or Jury. Punishment is repairing an injustice – â€Å"Making a wrong right†. However, the question is â€Å"once a person has been convicted and sentenced to the death penalty† who has the more appropriate point of view: a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Retributivist: Legal Retributivism says that if a law is broken, punishment must result, regardless of any moral effects. Moralistic retributivism is concerned with the wrongdoing itself; if pain and grief have occurred, the criminal should be compensated with an equal punishment to the crime. Convicted felons must be punished and suffer to the full extent of their crime. It is morally fitting that a person who does wrong should suffer in proportion to their wrongdoing. Society must inflict as much pain and suffering on convicted criminals as was inflicted during the commission of their crime(s). b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Utilitarian: A moral theory according to which an action is right if and only if it conforms to the principle of utility. Utilitarianism is applied to the proposition that the supreme objective of moral action is the achievement of the greatest happiness for the grea... ...ed by it. The retributivist would point out that under this view, if punishment of an innocent person can be used to increase good or decrease harm, the utilitarian principle would be justified. Although the retributivist and utilitarian views of punishment differ, I believe that both these ideas exist in the legal system. There are two positions to punishment: a judge follows retributivism, looking to the past event to determine punishment, whereas the legislators follow the utilitarian view, looking to the future at all possible general cases. There are problems with the apparent coexistence of these two views of punishment. A retributivist cannot allow utility to be too involved in determining punishment, since there guiding principle is that those guilty of wrongdoing must be punished, no matter what. Imagine a scenario where so many criminals get away with a crime, that a utilitarian viewing body of law might decide to punish a token innocent in order to calm public fears. Justice is the theory and practice of exacting the price for the action. Convicted murderers should be put to death because they deserve to die. Utilitarian and humanitarian considerations are irrelev ant.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Heredity and Hormones Effect on Behavior Essay -- essays research pape

Human behavior has been a mystery to scientists and psychologists for years. What causes humans to act the way they do? Is it learned by experience, or inherited from prior generations? The human brain is a complex machine driven by numerous intangibles that influence our thinking process directly and indirectly. The endocrine system in the human body stores a chemical known as hormones. Hormones are released by endocrine glands into the bloodstream and travel throughout the body carrying messages. A hormonal impulse is similar to a nerve impulse only much slower. The messages carried by the hormones trigger different behaviors. Hormones can affect behavior in many ways such as: Mental activity or tiredness, boredom or excitement, sexual behavior, the ability to maintain focus, boldness, the potency of stress, and the admiration of friendship. Hormones can also be a leading factor in whether a person is in a good mood or a bad mood (Morris & Maisto, 2005). Endocrine glands located in different parts of the body all release unique hormones, some of these hormones can affect behavior in different ways. The thyroid gland, located beneath the voice box releases the hormone known as thyroxin. Thyroxin is the hormone responsible for regulating the level of metabolism in a human body. Therefore, thyroxin can be related to the amount of energy one has, their sleeping habits, ability to focus and concentrate, and even their individual temperament. The pituitary gland, located on the bottom side of the brain, produces a variety of hormones, some of which affect human behavior. These hormones can have an affect on sexual conduct and desire (Morris & Maisto, 2005). The gonads in the human body differ depending on the sex of the human. T... ...utionary psychologists believe that behavior is not influenced by environments or situations but by natural instincts that have been inherited through a process known as natural selection. Natural selection suggests that only those who posses survival traits and adapt well to their surroundings survive and pass on these traits to offspring (Morris & Maisto, 2005). Human behavior remains a great mystery to psychologists and there is really no evidence that pinpoints the exact cause of our behavior. Some things are certain, genes and hormones directly affect behavior, but the extent of this influence is still debatable. There are many intangibles that are factored in when considering human behavior but no single factor shows evidence of how our minds make decisions. Human behavior is directly influenced by decisions, and decisions are apparently not an exact science.

Cinematic Technique in the Film Wuthering Heights :: essays research papers

'Wuthering Heights' was originally written by Emily Bronte. She lived on the moors and she enjoyed wandering through the moors, which is where she got her inspiration to write the story 'Wuthering Heights'. In 1992, Peter Kosminksy directed the film version of 'Wuthering Heights,' he used camera angles/shots, sound, composition, lighting and character gesture/facial expressions to make the opening as effective as possible. To begin with, Emily Bronte is walking through the moors heading to a castle. When she enters the castle it shows her opinion and imagination of what might have happened there. It begins with Lockwood who lives nearby Wuthering Heights and gets caught up in a raging storm so he enters the suspicious castle away from the raging storm, which is building up very quickly behind him. He is soon told to leave by the occupants, although he stubbornly refuses and after he is offered a room by the woman, he is shocked by someone just outside his window. When Emily Bronte strolls across the vast moor land, a long shot is used to introduce the scene. It shows the loneliness, coldness and the isolation of the moor land. Dark, ominous clouds fill the sky, emphasising the mystery and suspense. The dullness of the moor land implies not that not much lives close by and it is quite a creepy place to be. In the beginning, the music is quite deep. When the castle comes into shot, the violins are added in this creates the impression that the atmosphere is eerie and bleak. However, they also suggest that Emily Bronte and where she is, is of some importance. When she makes her way across the dreary moor land, she is wearing a black hooded cloak so her face is not visible and it is hidden away, this increases the effectiveness by building up the tension. On her way through the moor, she passes two large rocks which tower over Emily Bronte, and elicit the idea she is vulnerable and insignificant. It shortly changes to a medium shot at eye level to show her facial expression of determination, this suggests that she knows where she is going and she may have been there before. It also creates the impression that she is slowly being revealed to the audience, and that they are equal to the character because they are on the same level. Natural shadows cover some of her face This low key lighting is effective because she is covered still partly, so it is suspicious.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Scott Miracle Grow Speader; Make or Buy

Scott’s Miracle-Gro has a plant in Temecula, CA that produces seed spreaders. Management is deciding if it should keep the Temecula plant open or if it should outsource manufacturing either to mainland China or offshore China. Before Miracle-Gro became Scott’s Miracle-Gro, they outsourced to contract manufacturers for production. Scotts manufactured their spreaders since it acquired Republic Tool and Manufacturing. Scott’s Miracle-Gro manufacturing facilities have a plant in Temecula, CA. The Temecula plant improved productivity, efficiencies, and also different innovations including a new assembly process for their hand spreader.Also, they invented an in-mold labeling process that produced a label that did not fade, scratch, or peel off. Despite what the Temecula plant had done, management was looking to see if they could save money by outsourcing the full operation. The plant manager wanted to keep the Temecula plant open and felt that if the production was mov ed to China that there would be quality problems along with high shipping costs, and extra administrative costs could erase any economic benefit from outsourcing to China. Another alternative to outsourcing to China was building a Scotts-owned facility plant in China.This option would help keep the proprietary processes in the hands of Scott’s Miracle-G ro. However, the disadvantages associated with moving to China stated above (poorer quality, high shipping costs), would still be a negative. The problem is what should Scott’s Miracle-Gro do. We did a NPV analysis focusing on the 4 Cost drivers for the Temecula plants which are raw materials, labor costs, electricity costs, and overhead costs and compared them to what it would cost in China. The NPV for the Temecula plant is $94,826,678 (screenshot of spreadsheet in appendix).The NPV for China mainland (offshore NPV would be close to mainland China except for initial start-up costs, etc.. ) is $90,070,804 (screenshot o f spreadsheet in appendix). We analyzed the data by using the numbers provided in the case. For example, for analyzing the Temecula plant, we used the information in Exhibit 4. However, some of the data (number of employees in China) we based the information on what the Temecula plant was using. Based just on the NPV, it seems that closing the Temecula plant and moving to China would be the best option.However, important the potential cost savings (in labor and energy costs) might be, it is also necessary to look at other factors. Some of the other factors would include the production quality, control over their own products, proprietary rights, longer lead times, having to carry safety stock, and their image to stakeholders and employees. Also, management needs to look at problems that might arise if China’s government changes laws, problems in cases of ports closing, and the training and productivity of new employees. Next, we will analyze the 4 cost drivers more in depth.C ost Drivers There were four main cost drivers examined in this case: Raw Materials, Labor, Electricity (Energy), and Overhead. Scott’s must evaluate these cost drivers to determine whether outsourcing the manufacturing of their spreader will improve the company’s profitability and/or operational efficiency. Although, in some instances the decision to outsource can be very clear based on the numbers alone, there are also other not so quantitative risks such as loss of control, loss of inventory flexibility, and loss of one’s competitive advantage. Raw MaterialsPlastic resin is the main component in the manufacturing of the spreader bucket, and the costs are comparable whether it’s purchased in China or in the US. However, the Temecula plant did invest in a re-grind process which saves them an additional $100,000 per year. However, this savings has little impact on the overall operating expenses at the Temecula plant. Labor Costs Labor rates are one of the main driving forces in whether or not a company should make or buy a product or service. For s Scotts labor costs associated with manufacturing the spreader in the US is initially $6M vs. 350K in China, see attached appendix , which is 17X more costly to produce the spreader at the Temecula plant. Even if the plant can improve their operational efficiency in the out years and reduce labor costs it would still be difficult to compete with China during this 10 year period. Electricity (Energy) Costs Energy costs are still cheaper in China, by more than half the cost. However, the majority of energy which China uses is from coal plants and not environmentally friendly, more and more companies and US consumers are becoming sensitive to the issue of reducing one’s carbon footprint.Outsourcing based on energy costs is typically not the sole driver. However, if energy cost between China and the US become more competitive, such as in the case of the US using natural gas (i. e. fracki ng) to supply electricity to their plants the argument to bring manufacturing back to the US may become more compelling. Overhead The cost of overhead or Governance at the Temecula Plant is approximately $5M annually vs. China $500K (excluding $1M in year one for start-up costs) these are costs associated with Scott’s management to monitor, track and visit China to oversee operations. Sensitivity AnalysisDue to the uncertainty in the future economic trends, there are three uncertain factors playing important roles in the decision making. They are labor cost in China, electricity price in China and exchange rate between Yuan and Dollars. The NPV model is sensitive to the how those three factors change over the next decade. A careful analysis on the sensitivity is necessary in order to make sound business decisions. 1. Labor Cost According to the case we know that labor costs in china may have a big increase in the next 10 years, from 40% totally to 10% annual increase to even 40% annual increase.If the labor cost will increase 40% in the next 10 years, that means it’ll increase 3. 4% annually, so the NPV of costs will be $73,751,039. If the labor cost will increase 10% annually in the next 10 years, the NPV of costs will be $74,998,037. If the labor cost will increase 40% annually in the next 10 years, the NPV of costs will be $91,424,835. We can see from previous analysis, NPV of Temecula is $94,826,678. So if labor cost will increase differently, we’ll get different NVP. But no matter how big increase it’ll be, our decision will still be outsourcing to china. 2. Electricity Price The current electricity cost in China is 0. 65USD per kilo-watt hour. It is estimated to increase by 20% over the next 10 years. Assuming the electricity cost increase at a certain rate each year, we get the annual increase rate 1. 8% (1. 8% =(1+20%)^(1/10)-1). This estimated rate is probably lower than the actually annual increase because of increasing pr essure on environmental records and fuel costs. Thus how much does electricity cost may increase is important and the NPV model output is sensitive to it. However, since the electricity cost in China is so low when converted into USDs, the growth rate doesn’t influence the NPV that much.For example, experimenting with 5% annual growth, since 5% is significantly larger than 1. 8%, we get NPV = 74,968,548 USDs, whereas 74,376,968 USDs with 1. 8% annual growth. The difference would be 591,580 USDs, which isn’t that significant when putting it in a bigger scope. Also, 5% is an unlikely assumption given the fact that the Chinese is heavily investing in infrastructure to generate more energy. Thus, we think NPV model is not very sensitive to the electricity price. 3. Exchange Rate According to the case, we know that the market expectation was the yuan would appreciate by 20% in next five years.Since this datum is just an expectation, which means it is inaccurate and uncertai n, so that we need to analyze the sensitivity of it. We assume that the annual increase in value of Yuan is 3. 6%, we can get the NPV of costs is $74,376,968. However, if we decrease the rate, say 2%, the NPV of costs turns to be $69,099,021, which means the cost decreases; on the other hand, if we change the rate to 6%, the NPV of costs increases to $81,500,203. So we can conclude that the lower the annual increase in value of Yuan, the lower the NPV of costs. ConclusionAs we stated in the beginning we feel Scotts Miracle Gro should outsource the manufacturing of their to spreaders to China, this is based on the data and sensitivity analysis the group conducted. In addition, one of the questions that we had to examine was whether or not the technology to have â€Å"in-mold labeling† was a competitive advantage, and should it be a considered a core capability. Although, Scotts Miracle Gro manufactures spreaders, the brand name is about the quality of seed and fertilizers for the do-it-yourself lawn and garden consumer, and not the spreader.The consumers primarily purchases those products which enhance the look of the garden and lawn, selling spreaders which can disburse their product is ancillary, Scotts wants consumers to buy their seed and fertilizers every season (repeat customer) where as the purchase of a spreader is a one-time purchase every 10 years or more. Therefore, if Scotts can outsource the production of approximately 3 million spreaders to China at a significant cost savings then the company should do so. Cost savings realized should be re-invested into research and development so Scott’s can maintain their competitive edge is this home and garden market.